Sunday, May 25, 2014

2014 Update!

Hello, I have a lot to update! So here's the first one:

On May 31st, 2013, I joined hitRECord - an open, collaborative site/company run by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and his late brother Dan. At first the major pulls for me to join were the idea of looking at the works of talented artists and what JGL's work in all of this was. Soon, getting to know talented people with minds different and alike became incentive to stay and explore more.

Not a long time after I joined it was announced that hitRECord signed on for a television show. I participated with thousands of others contributing work in relation to the themes chosen for each episode. As the episodes aired, I was notified that some of my work had been selected and used in the tv show and that I was credited and would be paid for it. I contributed an image of the number 1 on a red circle and a video of myself folding an origami jumping frog from a US dollar bill, which was later made into a bumper.

On April 3rd, a request was released for an untitled Japanese folk tale collaboration and my work was used as the cover art. Several of my hitrecord friends messaged me that my work was featured in the request. To my surprise, a collaboration had been created inspired by my origami love album and the request featured many of my works. I was floored and extremely appreciative.

Since that time, many people have seen my origami work and have given me feedback.

Here is the request for collaboration featuring my origami work :) Request #1 (Apr 3/14) :
Request #2 (May 8/14) :
Here is a performance of my original Kamishibai story illustrated by Alison Wright

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